الفواكه – كلمات متقاطعة بالعربية
These FREE Arabic fruits crosswords help learners practice spelling and review the vocabulary they have learned throughout our Arabic Fruits UNIT.
NOTE: the full Fruit Salad unit is available to members of the Arabic Seeds Membership (not a member yet?! We have so much in store for you, read more here!).
Download the FREE Arabic Fruit Crosswords printable by clicking here!
Wait! There is more! Want more Arabic in your daily life?! We know that’s the best way to acquire the language! Get our Free Arabic Morning and Evening Routine bundle by signing up here.

Is there any problem for the link i can’t get it
Assalamu 3alaykum Ayisha, thank you for your comment! We just tested it and it is working on our end. Could you try with another device or try with the Google Chrome browser? We sent you an email with the file. Happy learning!
This is a good spelling exercise for my students.
Jazakum Allah Khair
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback, Zahia!
wa laki khayrul-jazaa’
So sweet Allahuma barik! My kids would enjoy this!
Barakallahufeeki for your comment, sister!