These FREE Islamic Arabic Alphabet Colouring/Tracing Worksheets include an islamic word for each letter of the Arabic alphabet. Each letter can be coloured in, as well as each word and each picture.
What’s included:
- FREE Arabic-only and Arabic-English PDF Files of the Worksheets
- FREE Arabic Audio MP3 to help with pronunciation and memorization
You can use these Arabic posters with the corresponding FREE Islamic Arabic Alphabet Posters for an even more engaging learning!
Important NOTE: Please keep in mind that words carry more meaning than the simple illustrations we have chosen (especially since they are religious words), therefore you may need to explain things to your children/students more in depth or details for some words.
أوراق عمل الأبجدية العربية مع كلمات و صور إسلامية (مجاني)
Click on the buttons below to download:
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Do you want to add more Arabic to your daily life with your children? (because that’s one of the best way to learn a language). Get our Free Arabic Morning & Evening Routines Bundle here!

thank you so much. may ALlaah grant you all jannatu l-firdaus. i’ve been looking for things like this for my little cousins. don’t stop doing the good work! 🤍
Ameen and for you too!
May Allah reward you for teaching Arabic to the children around you!
Thank you so much for this. May Allah reward all of you.
You are very welcome! All the good is from Allah!
Thank you so much for your comment, may Allah reward you as well!
Asalam alaikom,
I Printed out a batch for Arabic students worked out well 😀
wa 3alaykum salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Malinah!
We are so happy to hear walhamdulillAh!
Thank you for your comment and for using our resource!
Jazaki llAhu khayran